The Western gateway to the region
Piacenza Farnese domain is the gateway of Emilia for those coming from Lombardy and Piedmont. In fact, in the Northeast of Italy, this town borders Lombardy region. However, something Lombard is prolonged, also looking the economic attraction of Milan. And also the Po, the most important river of Italy, flowing from west to east touches the town on the north.
The Roman Empire and the Middle Ages
One of the oldest settlements of the Roman Empire, it does not remain a trace of this historical period. Therefore, the medieval Piacenza develops in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, thanks to the flourishing river traffic. As a result, the town seals up its autonomy in 1281 with the construction of the public building known as the Gothic. In addition, in 1122 works began on the cathedral, a remarkable example of Romanesque architecture with Gothic elements.
Lords and Pope domination
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Piacenza sees the domination of the Visconti and Sforza of Milan. In 1521 the town becomes part of the Papal States. As follow, in 1545 Pope Paul III Farnese creates for his son Pier Luigi Farnese the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza. Extinguished the Farnese in 1731, Piacenza continues to live in the shadow of Parma until 1860.
A tourist in Piacenza Farnese domain
Piacenza Farnese domain, as an art city, offers to the tourist fascinating itineraries thanks to the preciousness of its old town center. We can discover the squares, the churches, and the Cathedral. As well as the Palazzo Gotico and the Palazzo Farnese that is the symbol of the Ducal power and now it houses the Civic Museums. As a result, these are references for stimulating stops that permit an overview of the various artistic phases. From the Romanesque to the Renaissance, up to today.
The Castles route
And then, there is the originality of its province. A land that stands out for the strongholds, fortresses, castles, the charming natural itineraries, as well as wine and food tasting.