Worldwide brand luxury shoe
Between Venice and Padua in the Veneto region, there is the Brenta Riviera famous as the luxury shoe area. As a result, they export them all over the world to expose them in the famous fashion stores of the most important cities in Europe, overseas and Asia. Most of all, looking to our past, we discover that the shoes have always been a valuable asset, not accessible to the large part of the population.
The manufacture of the shoes
Therefore, the manufacturer of the shoe must have a great skill, a great imagination, and intelligence. All the operations were in the hands of few people who knew the art of shoemaking. A profession that, for some mysterious sortilege, in the hierarchy of labor has never had a proper place to his rank. As a result, nor under the artistic aspect and nor under the economic aspect.
The history of the shoe in Venice
In a historical archive of Venice, there is a document date back the eighteenth century that gives an interesting description of how to make a shoe. Because it traces step by step and painstakingly, all process that is necessary to make a beautiful and durable shoe. Hence this description was followed strictly until 1950 and beyond.
The shoemakers Masters of Venice
What do we know of the shoemakers of the Brenta area, between Venice and Padua? It seems that they were direct descendants of the shoemakers of Venice (calegheri), also known as the master disciples of the prestigious school of San Rocco. And to mark the legitimacy they took as a hallmark the seal of the Brotherhood of the “Maestri Calegheri di Venezia” (Shoemakers Masters of Venice) dating back to the thirteenth century.
The Scarpari
But the origins of the “Scarpari” (shoemakers in the dialect) of the Brenta are different, and it is in the artisan shoemakers of Padua. In fact, this Holy City, geographically, is much closer than Venice. And in Padua, there was the most important cattle market, and fairs were to find the latest products and innovations.
The Diocese of the town of Padua
Therefore, there was another important element that we have to consider. Most of all, the area of interest was under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Padua that was among the most significant in Italy. Since 1200 in Padua there was a flourishing production of footwear with a lot of shops and laboratories specialized in tanning. In addition to manufacturers of shoes, they furnished the material to make the garments, to manufacture the bags, the saddles and the harnesses for horses.
For some centuries, the presence of the shoemaking in the city of Padua was strong. For this reason, the public administration, towards this kind of craft, emanates a series of laws to ensure a proper and a profitable business, rules that were better than the ones existing in Venice.
The land of the shoemakers
This is a profession that owes its fortune and reputation to the culture of a site. As well as the skill, the creativity, the imagination and the determination of the people because in perfect harmony with the historic and culture traditions of their land. That is the place of birth of these men, and also the place where they grow. It is on this land that these men have chosen to release their creative abilities giving life to an original product that has no need of fantastic family trees to find for what it is actually.
The podiatric study
The shoe should be beautiful and comfortable. As a result, today the figure of the modelist has a key part in designing the shoe. In fact, he can never be a good model maker if he doesn’t know well the foot, its bone structure, and its function. The modelist, therefore, must have a podiatric study to gain knowledge of the various bones that make up the skeleton of the foot. Like also the ligaments that hold the bones together and the muscles, etc.
It’s important to know the ideal parameters to take in order to prevent that the shoe becomes the cause of occurrence of pains in the legs, the spine, the joints of the back and shoulders. In fact, they are minor adjustments translatable in millimeters that affect the sole of the foot. As a result, on a functional heel foothold for a proper body weight balance.
The right shoe to the right place
We know that the feet are not all equal. In fact, their differentiation is not readable only in length. But also in the width of the plantar, in the thickness or thinness of the instep and so on. And if the footwear is a boot we have to consider the ankle, the calf, and the leg. Hence we must give a great attention to the areas of the destination of the shoes. Because feet structurally differ not only between race and race of people in the world. But also among the European populations and even among those Italians depending on the region of belonging.
“Beautiful and comfortable”, the perfect combination for a good shoe worthy of the name. As well as a comfortable walking aid, the shoe must give to the person wearing it grace, elegance, and poise.
Today the Brenta Riviera, between Venice and Padua, is the district of excellence for luxury shoe area worldwide. And it is an important handicraft area of the Veneto region known worldwide. Villa Foscarini Rossi, an important shoe museum in the town of Strà, will welcome you.